Reddit contains more than 3 million subreddits/communities.
You can find a subreddit for every topic in the world.
However, only a few of them has the maximum number of members.
It means that there are a lot of most popular subreddits that contain more than 1 million members.
Most of them are available for many years.
I have added a list that has the top 25 most popular subreddits/communities on Reddit (all of them added as per their popularity).
I have ranked the subreddits keeping in view their total number of members (as of early 2022).
1. /r/announcements
Members | Description | Established |
140,000,000+ | Official announcements from Reddit, Inc. | June 17, 2009 |
2. /r/funny
Members | Description | Established |
39,200,000+ | Welcome to r/Funny, Reddit’s largest humor depository. | Jan 25, 2008 |
3. /r/AskReddit
Members | Description | Established |
35,000,000+ | r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. | Jan 25, 2008 |
4. /r/gaming
Members | Description | Established |
31,900,000 | A subreddit for (almost) anything related to games – video games, board games, card games, etc. (but not sports). | Sep 17, 2007 |
5. /r/aww
Members | Description | Established |
30,400,000+ | Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on… A place for really cute pictures and videos! | Jan 25, 2008 |
6. /r/Music
Members | Description | Established |
29,000,000+ | The musical community of Reddit. | Jan 25, 2008 |
7. /r/pics
Members | Description | Established |
28,612,134+ | A place for pictures and photographs. | Jan 25, 2008 |
8. /r/worldnews
Members | Description | Established |
28,100,000+ | A place for major news from around the world, excluding US-internal news. | Jan 25, 2008 |
9. /r/science
Members | Description | Established |
27,200,022+ | This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research. | Oct 18, 2006 |
10. /r/movies
Members | Description | Established |
27,100,120+ | The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with wide releases. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. | Jan 25, 2008 |
11. /r/todayilearned
Members | Description | Established |
27,000,150+ | You learn something new every day; what did you learn today? Submit interesting and specific facts about something that you just found out here. | Dec 28, 2008 |
12. /r/videos
Members | Description | Established |
26,200,031+ | Reddit’s main subreddit for videos. Please read the sidebar below for our rules. | Jan 25, 2008 |
13. /r/news
Members | Description | Established |
24,300,000+ | The place for news articles about current events in the United States and the rest of the world. Discuss it all here. | Jan 25, 2008 |
14. /r/Showerthoughts
Members | Description | Established |
24,100,034+ | A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. | Oct 18, 2011 |
15. /r/Jokes
Members | Description | Established |
22,300,015+ | The funniest sub on Reddit. Hundreds of jokes are posted each day, and some of them aren’t even reposts! | Jan 25, 2008 |
16. /r/askscience
Members | Description | Established |
22,000,104+ | Ask a science question, get a science answer. | Sep 5, 2008 |
17. /r/food
Members | Description | Established |
22,000,102+ | The hub for Food Images and more on Reddit. | Jan 25, 2008 |
18. /r/IAmA
Members | Description | Established |
21,800,124+ | I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal. | May 27, 2009 |
19. /r/EarthPorn
Members | Description | Established |
21,738,289+ | The internet’s largest community of landscape photographers and Earth lovers. | Feb 14, 2011 |
20. /r/gifs
Members | Description | Established |
21,375,880+ | Funny, animated GIFs: Your favorite computer file type! Officially pronounced with a hard “J”. | Feb 14, 2009 |
21. /r/nottheonion
Members | Description | Established |
20,876,105+ | For true stories that are so mind-blowingly ridiculous that you could have sworn they were from The Onion. | Oct 25, 2008 |
22. /r/books
Members | Description | Established |
20,484,173 | This is a moderated subreddit. It is our intent and purpose to foster and encourage in-depth discussion about all things related to books, authors, genres, or publishing in a safe, supportive environment. If you’re looking for help with a personal book recommendation, consult our Weekly Recommendation Thread, Suggested Reading page, or ask in r/suggestmeabook. | Jan 25, 2008 |
23. /r/DIY
Members | Description | Established |
20,374,019+ | A place where people can come to learn and share their experiences of doing, building, and fixing things on their own. | Jan 25, 2008 |
24. /r/explainlikeimfive
Members | Description | Established |
20,195,596+ | Explain Like I’m Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. Don’t Panic! | Jul 28, 2011 |
25. /r/LifeProTips
Members | Description | Established |
20,182,929+ | Tips that improve your life in one way or another. | Oct 25, 2010 |
Final Words
Reddit is replete with subreddits/communities that you can join.
Use the search bar of Reddit in order to search the subreddit you want to join.
For instance, if you’re interested in gaming, you can search for “gaming”.
It is because there is a subreddit for almost every topic.
In addition, you can also join one or more of the most popular subreddits from the given list in this article.
Most of them were created years ago and they are pretty active now.
What’s Next
Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.