Do you want to choose a gaming name or username for your gaming experience?
If yes, you are at the right place.
It is because it is a hard nut to crack to choose a gaming name and it is the hardest part of a game.
It is the hardest because the game wants your username to be unique and different from others.
Sometimes, the username you like is already in use or taken by someone.
As a result, the only way to enter a game is to choose an alternative username.
However, there are some games like wormax.io that enables you to choose the same username as well.
Another example of such game is Counter-Strike Global offensive that you run on Steam.
This post has more than 400 cool, best, and funny gaming names, usernames, and ideas that you can use for boys and girls.
In this post, you will also see how to choose a good gamer name and what is an OG gamertag.
How do I choose a gamer name?
To choose a gamer name, your first task is to make it simple and easy.
It is a wise decision to use the same username or name on all the games you play.
For instance, if your name is “Player1” in a game, you can use the same in other games too.
If you choose the same name, your friends will find and add you with ease.
However, the requirement for your entrance in the game is to get a unique name, then it might be taken.
If your name is already taken, you need to come up with a variation of it.
What is an OG gamertag?
An OG gamertag comes with one word taken from the English language.
Here is an example of an OG gamertag: “Happy”.
If your gamertag has more than one word, it will not be considered as OG.
You can sell an account with an OG gamertag for the sake of a lot of money.
Funny gaming names
- MegaPutin
- Protatoes
- TomCruiser
- PlatypusFacts
- JosephStylin
- OsamaBinLaggin
- Gigachad
- FindingChemo
- AnneFlank
- MakeAWishKid
- Adolf
- MikeTython
- ADuckOnQuack
- ElChapo
- JeffreyDripstein
- TheLorax
- JohnnySins
- SussyBaka
- GlockLesner
- PhatPhook
- DixieNormas
- EricCartman
- Auschwitz
- JennaTolls
- ShaquilleOatmeal
- DeezNuts
- JohnWick
- MickeyDs
- DaBaby
- HankHill
- Bukkakalypse
- TasteThePainbow
- HarrietThugman
- CVSPharmacy
- SpanishInquisition
- JoeGoldberg
- DrDisconnect
- Candice
- CarryPotter
- PabloTescobar
- VladimirLootin
- FakeTaxi
- GuanCena
- TryhardName
- HanCholo
- MorbidlyObeast
- Maxipadawan
- DaddyFatsack
- EdgarAllenBro
- OJStab
- YourGrandpa
- DontReviveMe
- DopePope
- JasonVoorhees
- JonSlow
- AltF4
- MathsDebater
- RooftopAndy
- TedBundy
- Imposter
- DrPhil
- JuanWick
- Pablo
- AHungMongoose
- ChildFarmer
- GookieChan
- DoraTheDestroyer
- YourMom
- GillySoose
- RonaldRaygun
- Shrek2
- LilAsthma
- Shaniqua
Cool gaming names
- Hypnosis
- Obelisk
- Dionysus
- Abomination
- Hybrid
- Zethus
- Archangel
- Sinister
- Neptune
- Sceptre
- Havoc
- Nemesis
- Ravage
- Purify
- Overlord
- Ataraxia
- Watcher
- Dominion
- Omnicient
- Renewal
- Legacy
- Solaris
- Disruption
- Walker
- Leviathan
- Carnage
- Rebellious
- Immortus
- Rusher
- Rogue
- Napalm
- Crucial
- Skeleton
- Twilight
- Deathblade
- Purify
- Cyclops
- Enforcer
- Oracle
- Memory
- Brawler
- Inferno
- Elysium
- Potent
- Dreamer
- Visionary
- Menace
- Calyce
- Crisis
- Skyterror
- Casualty
- Apparent
- InfernaI
- Predator
- Prodigy
- Inspirational
- Evolution
- Hyperchaos
- Valkyrie
- Awakened
- Noble
- Conqueror
- Keeper
- Hecate
- Nightmare
- Enigma
- Electra
- Minos
- Abolisher
- Valiant
- Dimension
- Onslaught
- Harbinger
- Reaper
- Caretaker
- Crusher
- Athena
- Soulstealer
- Destroyer
Best gaming names
- Unearthly
- Vanquish
- Resurgence
- Larissa
- Tornado
- Supernatural
- Revenant
- Heroic
- Maestro
- Colossal
- Divine
- Seraphic
- Transcend
- Mystic
- Liege
- Monarch
- Demolisher
- Thunderbolt
- Elemental
- Minimal
- Shadow
- Imperial
- Scale
- Demonic
- Eternal
- Arcas
- Radiant
- Deceptive
- Tripwire
- Eclipse
- Aphrodite
- Serpent
- Magnific
- Pandora
- Worldbreaker
- Amphion
- Reborn
- Destiny
- Criminal
- Doomsday
- Imperial
- Guard
- Bloodlight
- Catalyst
- Royal
- Chief
- Necromancer
- Argus
- Demigod
Gaming names for boys
- Corpse
- Roman
- Arrow
- Razor
- Aiden
- Unbreakable
- Tobias
- Phantom
- Hazard
- Aftermath
- Beyond
- Creed
- Diluc
- Daredevil
- Dizzy
- Extinct
- Junior
- Energy
- Mastermind
- Shaman
- Shattered
- Kyubi
- Albedo
- Berserker
- Showstopper
- Resident
- Gremlin
- Insanity
- Rational
- Velocity
- Insomniac
- Respect
- Kraken
Gaming names for girls
- Princess
- Cookie
- Astra
- Wondergirl
- Darling
- Akira
- Harlow
- Diona
- Roxas
- Trinity
- Indigo
- Aurora
- Fayne
- Amina
- Fleur
- Udele
- Stella
- Butterfly
- Addilyn
- Averi
- Flamingo
- Jewel
- Queenie
- Dakota
- Charity
- Lauren
- Autumn
- Saige
- Bunnies
- Pineapple
- Nessa
- Odette
- Rayne
- Kairi
- Oakly
- Holly
- Annie
- Sunlight
- Outless
- Influence
- Biscuit
- Constanta
- Kittycat
- Nezuko
- Madzilla
- Elspeth
- Lemur
- Cloudy
- Lilac
- Valencia
- Rosaria
- Xardie
- Molly
- Gemini
- Anthea
- Diamond
- Hazel
- Eudora
- Luna
- Moonshine
- Kimmy
- Prophetess
- Ennex
- Blueberry
- Karin
- Ophelia
- Grace
- Fleur
- Curry
- Amber
- Valentine
- Pelicia
- Hazel
Gamer name ideas
- Wintersoul
- Hurricane
- Justice
- Caustic
- Soothsayer
- Lorekeeper
- Komodo
- Invincible
- Bloodgem
- Recoil
- Stolen
- Catastrophe
- Warlock
- Sinfully
- Cynical
- Epistle
- Spongey
- Achilles
- Samurai
- Distant
- Figment
- Infectious
- Sombrero
- Spooky
- Gravitas
- Prototype
- Sworn
- Juicy
- Static
- Hotshot
- Overkill
- Existence
- Bloodstone
- Pantera
- Pegasus
- Voltage
- Floppy
- Admiration
Unique gamer names
- MoonSun
- HollowSteel
- FixedAxis
- MagicShell
- FlySpeed
- NotPleasant
- ArcticWind
- DivineMercy
- EpicElectricity
- CursedAshes
- QuickLogic
- SpaceDragon
- ElusiveThief
- DemonAngel
- AdaptableBeing
- QuestSkipper
- BizzareGhost
- GiantSlayer
- SoftPunch
- BruteForce
- BrightSilver
- BloodWing
- EnragedPirate
- SneakyRogue
- GloriousVictory
- NinjaSense
- IceBarrage
- UndeadFairy
- AntiqueFaith
- NoReturn
- EternalFlame
- ClassicChampion
- VikingDragon
- LoveHeart
- FirstBlood
- ChiDemon
- ForestWarden
Good usernames for games
- Nodens
- Gladius
- Falcon
- Pegasus
- Forgotten
- Overmind
- Nocturnal
- Abyss
- Cthulhu
- Lurker
- Voidlord
- Cosmic
- Invoker
- Unspeakable
- Demeter
- Historia
- Tenacious
- Vigour
- Tenjin
- Wildfire
- Zippy
- Vendetta
- Lucille
- Invulnerable
- Vortex
- Supernova
- Python
- Wallknocker
Final Words
We have added the gaming names in this post without any particular order.
Did you like a gaming name or gamer username that you would like to use as your own?
If you find it, feel free to use it as your gaming name to get over this hard task.
If the name for gaming that you want to use is already taken, there are a few things that you can do.
First of all, you can try to add a variation to your username.
For instance, if the name “Dear” is taken, you can try “Darling” instead.
Secondly, you can add an additional word in front of it like “Very” to make “Very Dear”.
If the previous suggestion fails, you try to add numbers or underscore to your name if the game allows it.
However, adding numbers or underscores to your username will make your name complicated so it is not suggested.
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Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.