The game Apex Legends launched in February 2019 which is a battle royale game.
Currently, the game contains more than 100 million registered users.
You need to select a name before you can play Apex Legends.
Changing or choosing a name on Apex legends depends on the platform you use to play it.
For instance, if you are using the steam platform, your steam name will be considered as your apex legends name.
Therefore, you need to modify your steam name in order to change your Apex legends name.
Alternatively, if you’re using Origin platform, your name on Origin will be used as your Apex Legends name.
This post has more than 250 good and cool Apex Legends names and username ideas for boys and girls.
The article will also tell if Apex Legends names are unique and what is a good username for the game.
Are Apex Legends names unique?
No, Apex Legends names can be same that is why they are not unique.
It shows that you can use the same username as another user is using in the game.
In a nutshell, you are not restricted, you can use any name that you want.
Again, modifying or changing your Apex legends name depends on the platform you are using to access the game.
By default, cross-play is enabled, so it will allow you to play with friends on other platforms.
In order to add a friend, visit to the Friends Menu and find your friend’s username.
What is a good username for Apex Legends?
A username for Apex Legends is good when it is unique and easy to remember.
Additionally, it should not have any special characters or numbers.
I forbid adding numbers or special characters to your username because it can complicate it.
In addition, it will also make the username difficult to keep in mind.
Since Apex Legends names are not unique, you can use the desired username for it.
You can use the simple words in the English Language for it such as “Legend” or “Hunter”.
Good Apex Legends names
- Altra
- Aries
- Abyss
- Ascend
- Acolyte
- Acid
- Acorn
- Adherent
- Aizen
- Endeavour
- Doomsday
- Riginex
- Poison
- Abstract
- Akuma
- Adjacent
- Admire
- Adverse
- Aegon
- Aelyn
- Aether
- Agent
- Akame
- Anarchy
- Angel
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Apex
- Arcane
- Arctic
- Arrow
- Akashi
- Akira
- Alien
- Alive
- Alloy
- Ally
- Alpha
- Alyssa
- Amber
- Electro
- Eternity
- Arsenic
- Ashes
- Assassin
- Atomic
- Autumn
- Avery
- Azreal
- Bones
- Bamboo
- Caesar
- Calm
- Careless
- Cease
- Chaos
- Chief
- Candy
- Chilly
- Cloudy
- Cryptic
- Baron
- Based
- Beast
- Berry
- Bionic
- Bishop
- Blade
- Blank
- Blaze
- Blurry
- Cursed
- Darkness
- Deadly
- Ditto
- Dreamy
- Earnest
- Earl
- Elysion
- Envy
Cool Apex Legends names
- Faith
- Fancy
- Fear
- Frosty
- Fyrion
- Frieska
- Frenzy
- Essence
- Nebula
- Evolution
- Hatred
- Cryptic
- Lunar
- Fragrance
- Galaxy
- Ghostly
- Godly
- Goldie
- Greed
- Gwyneth
- Gust
- Gumi
- Hibikki
- Hidanki
- Hikki
- Hitman
- Heroic
- Husen
- Hyaku
- Hyper
- Icarus
- Grumpy
- Gozy
- Gopen
- Hinter
- Habaki
- Hanz
- Hatred
- Hazel
- Hellcat
- Helvtic
- Hexagon
- Loner
- Lost
- Lucifer
- Luminate
- Lishiro
- Lynch
- Lyon
- Icey
- Ignite
- Inazuna
- Indigo
- Innocence
- Jarvis
- Javiar
- Jericho
- Jobi
- Kagel
- Kaito
- Kamel
- Kamado
- Kaori
- Kinchi
- Knight
- Knocked
- Joker
- June
- Juzie
- Killa
- Kacy
- Kadal
- Kabal
- Kane
- Kagu
- Kuro
- Kyzen
- Luda
- Landy
- Lanite
- Laravel
- Logic
- Lucky
- Lullaby
Apex Legends name ideas
- Major
- Maple
- Margon
- Matcha
- Miracle
- Mirael
- Miru
- Mystic
- Lynn
- Kryptex
- Aztec
- Mirage
- Script
- Paradox
- Magma
- Moon
- Morsen
- Nagata
- Natsume
- Neptune
- Nexus
- Night
- Nocturne
- Nuisance
- Queen
- Quill
- Raptor
- Revolution
- Ripper
- Reaper
- Raven
- Obscure
- Ocelot
- Ordinary
- Parasite
- Peanut
- Percy
- Pixel
- Proximity
- Yamato
- Yozora
- Zappy
- Zenry
- Zombie
- Zeus
- Zexen
- Zeven
- Razor
- Revault
- Rhythm
- Risky
- Silent
- Secure
- Striker
- Serenity
- Unseathe
- Usagi
- Uxoria
- Valarie
- Valentine
- Varel
- Varyn
- Venus
- Violet
- Webster
- Shadow
- Skeleton
- Spider
- Stormy
- Swizzle
- Toxin
- Tempest
- Tenshi
- Tricky
- Undefined
- White
- Wrath
- Wyvern
- Xyloid
- Xypher
Final Words
Apex Legends is compatible with a whole lot of platforms.
The platforms are PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
You can play Apex Legends by using Origin or Steam on PC.
However, if you’re playing the game on Steam, you have to use an EA account to link to it.
Have you liked any Apex Legends name?
If yes, feel free to use it as your username.
You need to remember that the list of Apex Legends names is in no particular order.
If you did not get a name or the name is already in use, you can be inspired by the names and come up with your own.
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Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.