Is your Instagram explore page messed up and do you want to fix it?
Are you getting nature photos/pictures on your explore feed?
It is a common glitch to get a broken Instagram explore page.
Your feed will start showing nature photography and will not be normal.
Consequently, you will not be able to see your previous feed.
It is one of the recent annoying glitch on Instagram and you cannot fix it by refreshing the page.
In this post, I will tell you why your Instagram explore page reset or not working and how to fix your feed if it’s messed up.
Why did my Instagram explore feed reset?
Your Instagram explore feed reset because the app of Instagram is down or due to a glitch on the app.
The explore feed on Instagram is famous for its glitches.
If it is happening on your feed, you will only see nature photography in the explore feed.
A number of users are facing this issue and a lot of people are aware of this glitch.
The glitch is annoying because your feed will not be filled keeping in view your interests anymore.
Unfortunately, you cannot do anything to fix it but wait it out.
As of May 2022, many users are reporting this explore feed glitch.
The people are experiencing the issue and tweeting about it on Twitter to know if anyone else is facing it or not.
It seems that the explore page of everyone has reset.
You can also go to downdetector.com and find out if Instagram is down.
You should use the US version of it because it offers more reports.
If you come across a huge spike in the graph, it clearly indicates that the app is down and you are not the only one having this error.
How to fix Instagram explore page messed up
To fix your Instagram explore page messed up, the best bet is to wait it out.
If your explore page is messed up, it is happening because of a glitch on the app.
The glitch is not from the users but from Instagram’s.
I have also seen my own explore page getting messed up various times.
After trying the refreshing of page tactic, it still showed me the natura photography.
It means that refreshing will not fix it.
After waiting for a few days, my Instagram explore page became normal.
Normally, it will show you the videos and photos keeping in view your interests.
Therefore, the best way to deal with it is to wait for a few days and your explore page will become normal.
Why is my Instagram explore page showing nature?
Your Instagram explore page is showing nature due to a glitch on the Instagram application.
It also indicates that the app is down.
As per May 2022, a lot of users are complaining about it on Twitter regarding their Instagram explore page.
The users also reported that their Instagram explore page was not working/broken/messed up and as a result, it’s only showing them nature.
Here are some examples of Tweet:
This is Tweeted by @devdcrow, “Is everyone’s Instagram explore page just random nature pics rn?”.
This Tweet is published by @geomaitriii, “So, this is pretty but can I have my Instagram feed back to normal. I love nature and aesthetics, but give me my memes back”.
This is another Tweet by @thevishnuhere, “Why are all these landscape images coming to every explore page? Is it just me?”.
It is a glitch and it is not new to its users because they have experienced it in the past too.
Currently, Instagram is unable to find a permanent fix for this glitch.
If you are watching only landscape or nature photography on your explore page, the best bet is to wait for a few days.
After waiting for a few days, your explore page will become normal again.
Do not keep on refreshing it because it will not help you.
Final Words
Instagram app has been affected by multiple glitches, bugs and errors throughout the years.
This is the most irritating one that is broken explore page.
It was working fine but now it is showing you nature photography.
The previous day, it was based on your interests and the next day, it will reset to photography of nature.
I have faced this glitch several times before and I am unable to fix it early so the best way is to wait to get your feed back to normal.
Usually, it takes a few days to fix itself, but in some cases, it can take more than a week.
The refreshing of explore page may cause it to become worse so do not refresh it.
You have to be patient and wait it out and eventually you will get rid of this messed up explore page.
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Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.