Do you want to create a new Instagram account for yourself?
Or you are looking for Instagram usernames ideas for your secondary Instagram account?
In either case, you have to select an Instagram username that is available.
It can be a hard task to choose an Instagram username because it has more than 1 billion registered users.
Therefore, the username you select might be taken by someone else.
However, you can bypass this restriction by adding variation to your selected username.
For instance, you can use numbers, words, or an underscore to make it unique.
This post has more than 370 aesthetic, cool, and cute Instagram usernames for boys and girls, most of them are still available.
You will also come to know if Instagram usernames are unique or how to change your Instagram username.
Are Instagram usernames unique?
The simple answer is yes, they are.
In a nutshell, you cannot use the username of Instagram user that is already in use.
If you will try to do that, the system will give “This username isn’t available. Please try another” error.
If your desired username is already taken, there are a couple of things you can do.
First of all, you can add “hi” “its”, “the”, etc., in front of your username.
Second of all, you can add an underscore or numbers to your username.
You can also add “.” to your username on Instagram.
How do I change my Instagram username?
- Firstly, go to the Instagram app and tap on your profile picture on the bottom bar.
- On your profile, tap on the “Edit Profile”.
- Tap on the “Username” field.
- Choose a new username and delete your current username.
- To change your username on Instagram, tap on “Done”.
If the username you selected that is not available, you’ll get the “This username isn’t available. Please try another” error.
Once you’ve changed your IG username, you cannot change it for another 14 days.
Cool Instagram usernames
- llamaharmony
- poetryyellow
- moshiinspiration
- llamaquiet
- icecreampipsqueek
- kawaiisutwilight
- dusticecream
- schnoogleduh
- esteemedlegend
- immortaldugong
- apprehensivewolf
- legendarygore
- renownedmafia
- literaloutlaw
- lifeyummies
- pleasedlogolepsy
- applerhubarb
- treehouseglad
- anticipatebug
- fancytipsycakes
- joyjoy
- friendssleep
- comfortgrass
- usefulboop
- oreossleep
- jubuharmony
- drizzlebrumby
- glowsweetdreams
- kissflowers
- flowerssoft
- warmfortunate
- slurpthankyou
- empathysnuggle
- soothcoolbreeze
- skyfratchy
- mittenanticipation
- playdoughdoodle
- whifflespecial
- anticipationdreams
- rainbownap
- oreosroses
- singingnap
- celebrationcompassion
- hubbaroses
- awesomecakes
- peacelighthearted
- camaraderiepoetry
- reliefkiss
- kawaiisupachinko
- chiffchaffupbeat
- toesymusic
- schnoopllama
- befuddledkindness
- rainbowhubba
- mittenschocolate
- patientnappies
- kithlymilk
- wondergenerosity
- snaffleadore
- hineysnuggle
- rhubarbswing
- smoochlogolepsy
- peppermintfrumious
- merryhumor
- companionshipmumbo
- rhubarbbumble
- hubbasun
- sleepyfriend
- redkindness
- sillypeppermint
- mittensbirds
- frecklescompanionship
- shoopblush
- magicalhobby
- delightfullove
- baskwin
- smileswigglebop
- leavescake
- browniessammich
- kisseshug
- wavessnaffle
- snugglebird
- lovelypie
- snowflakealive
- icecreamboop
- spookypeaceful
- lakefly
- inspirationpyewacket
- smilesamazing
- purloinwhoopsy
- carrotblush
- hubbajoy
- inspirationalwordie
- frappujackukindness
- curlupdear
- snickerdoodlearglebargle
- renewalnostalgic
- tipsycakesballoons
- upbeatsockembopper
- humorwarmweather
- thimbletouch
- purloinschnoopie
- flowersglume
- springsnowflake
- huffingoreos
- respectbungle
- blitherelax
- inspirationalicecream
- freeplay
- oceanhurdy
- togetherdownsteepy
- dewhornswoggle
- cakecompanion
- puppiesfroglet
- butterfliestogether
- anewsoft
- swingbird
- giftspiggildy
- bubbleshealthy
- camaraderiegrace
- wigglebopmild
- wishessleep
- upbeatpoodle
- starsnature
- balloonssand
- bubblesweet
Aesthetic Instagram usernames
- downsteepypipsqueek
- angelslollipops
- patienceyellow
- adorepiggy
- upbeatopen
- relieftickle
- bumblechunkymunky
- wisedeers
- curiousanteater
- naturetoodle
- leephurdy
- woohootreehouse
- giantantelope
- fratchyapples
- runbirthday
- amazingleep
- daycute
- comedyblossom
- carriwitchetrelax
- rosescompliments
- fratchysleepy
- gardenblissful
- wonderawesome
- beautifultush
- rapturetipsycakes
- amazechild
- wishkitty
- simpletoesy
- sillytehe
- foodcooperate
- shoopzzzzz
- sparklehubba
- fulldaisy
- spontaneoushug
- favorbirthday
- yellowwhimbrel
- whoopsjellybeans
- chompgood
- freedad
- motherschnoop
- hometea
- hopefultea
- purloininglenook
- milkjubilant
- teetertotterpancakes
- pantshuffing
- wordiebliss
- llamaupbeat
- daisybreeze
- firerelax
- tinygratitude
- applepiepopsicle
- snurfleteetertotter
- daisyhobby
- alivefull
- strawberrieswin
- kissesmuffins
- birdsky
- graciouslolly
- smoochtoys
- fluffcolors
- tootglee
- cleansleep
- glowdoodie
- swingwoesies
- bunglepink
- sunbeautiful
- friendsilly
- dunderheadwelcome
- runballoons
- favorlol
- warmthbungle
- vivaciousprinky
- gladblush
- gurdylife
- teetertottersilly
- snuggleburkina
- befuddledpyewacket
- glitteradorable
- delightawesome
- whoopspooch
- alivesweetheart
- joycomedy
- hubbapoplin
- welcominganticipate
- successlilies
- overjoyedjumbo
- pieplaydough
- bunglecalm
- marshmallowstea
- joyhuffing
- luvluv
- canoodleglitter
- bugstrawberries
- swingsooth
- mittennappies
- hullabalooduhh
- swingsongs
- leaveskisses
- elationhug
- tinytoescasual
- foozlejumbo
- bubblyduhh
- smittensleepy
- rapturecompliments
- hineyheart
- glitterapples
- smiletogether
- yummygenerosity
- schnoopiehiney
- poetrymitten
- goofytiny
- blithefrumious
- rainalive
- momyummy
- thimblewelcome
- hineysparkle
- kissesadorable
- jellybeansholiday
- rosescollywobbles
- bunglearglebargle
- zzzzzbubbles
- growspooky
- snowflakestoys
Cute Instagram usernames
- booksfresh
- snowflakesidea
- tickledreams
- funnyjubilant
- patiencewonderful
- smilewaterfall
- openfull
- surprisedad
- slykoalabear
- lonelychinchilla
- sadgrizzlybear
- decentfoxy
- vibrantcaterpillar
- sleepykangaroos
- blessedspiritual
- funpink
- muffinsprinky
- sillylollipops
- oceanpets
- mildcarrot
- safehome
- schnoogleapples
- jellybeanschnoop
- dunderheadtoodle
- leepsnurf
- bubblypuppies
- hubbymother
- babyawesome
- piggildysleep
- simpleblooming
- scuttlesnurf
- warmweatherjoy
- bombsylife
- sleepypie
- sweetheartsnurfle
- applepiechildhood
- tastybloom
- springawesome
- peacefullove
- candlelightmelody
- chompdazzle
- prinkyhobby
- arglebarglecomfort
- blessedschnoop
- honeywhoops
- vivaciouscompliments
- bubblycompliments
- jigglyfather
- spiritualsunlight
- petsrain
- jumbocooperation
- deelishpresents
- burpleinspired
- lifetehe
- frappujackutush
- pinkhornswoggle
- llamaplayful
- whooshriver
- beachwoesies
- singgrow
- freshdimples
- hornswogglecomic
- delighthiggildy
- inglenookkawaiisu
- kawaiisuinglenook
- sleepybaby
- poetryhumor
- toodlefoozle
- cakehopeful
- waterballoonsmom
- skyaglow
- touchbook
- lollipopsbumble
- breatheapplepie
- amusepiggy
- springholidays
- smoochquiet
- doodlessun
- doodlesafe
- brumbyrainbow
- togethertogether
- amazedfancy
- momrhubarb
- collywobblesfrumious
- poplincompanionship
- patientcribbage
- milkfunny
- waterrun
- doodiepictures
- lolfresh
- sunlighthubba
- gleejolly
- eatboondoggle
- friendsdaisy
- motherbloom
- lovestruckpiggy
- playwaterballoons
- ecstasycomfort
- kawaiisuexuberant
- lightheartedwhiffle
- daylightwigglebop
- jubutreehouse
- aweglee
- toesypiggildy
- awesomecooperate
- patiencemittens
- blooptogether
- aglowidea
- positivewarmweather
- kindnessplonk
- falldad
- higgildycaprimulgus
- delightcuddle
- renewalpooch
- schnoogledust
- hedgepiglettruth
- cozymuffin
- smoochieswhole
- snowflakesockembopper
- gleebright
- woohoopleasant
- giftsblithe
- sweetdreamsgratitude
- hobbyicecream
- chocolatejoy
Final Words
I have a suggestion that you can follow that is, keep your usernames on media the same.
However, there is a great chance that you may not get the same username across all social media platforms.
It happens when the username that you like or use might already be taken.
If want to create a secondary Instagram account, you can add “spam” to your username to remember it.
You can use this secondary account where you can post pictures that you don’t want to post to your main account.
Usually, the users try to keep a spam account private so that they can also post there frequently.
Did you find a cute Instagram username that you can use in this post?
If you did, you should use it as your Instagram username.
You need to know that the usernames available here are in no particular order.
What’s Next
How to Find Someone on Instagram without their Username
Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.